67.9 %The proportion of innovative drugs and collaborative products revenue in 2023
50 %Percentage of female directors reached 50%
25.96 %Progress of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets: The emissions of greenhouse gas per unit revenue 2023 (scope I and scope II) reduced by 25.96% than that in 2021
85 % +Employee satisfaction rate of 85.5%
92523 person-timesHansoh Pharma provided quality related trainingfor a total of 92,523 person-times
28.17 %Progress of emission reduction of exhaust pollutants: Total emissions of VOCs in exhaust reduced by 28.17% than that in 2021
100 %100% approval rate for product certification checks and customer audits
37As of the end of 2023,the number of drugs had entered 37 low- and middle-income countries and regions